About Me

A Little Bit About Me

Welcome to my website…….I’m Chels, a mother to two toddler boys, I’m just winging my way through this parenting thing, trying my best each day. I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, I sometimes yell, I swear, I love coffee, wine and beer, I love my crystals but most of all I love Essentials Oils! I’m one of the those lovers of natural living but still eats junk food occasionally & use chemicals as a last resort. Like I said I’m not perfect. I’m a anxious little thing, worrywart, over thinker, who’s scared of almost everything, with a hot head sometimes. I try to use that fear as motivation and do it anyway. It’s a work in progress…..everyday!

Memphis was 3 in February & Orlando was 2 in June……we have a 16 month age gap, we really didn’t think that one through opps! Been a mother is a dream come true but also the hardest thing I have ever done. Back in February Memphy was diagnosed with Autism, our journey really began back when we started Speech therapy not long after he was 2 where all the red flags started to appear. Now living in the Bunbury area we have lots of support with Speech, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist & now Craniosacral Therapy sessions too. We use lots of Essentials Oils, Reiki, breathing techniques to get through each day in one piece hehehe!

I love my little business that I ran from home where I can share my passion & mission for helping, empowering & showing others everything that we can use Essential Oils for……And the best bit, I can still be a stay at home mum & have something that’s for me. Honestly this is what helps keep me sane, keeps my brain activate and allows me to still have a creative outlet. Our shop from home is now set up and ready for customers offering a little bit of everything for your oily needs……..

We use essential oils for everything, they seriously are the glue that holds our family together. Helping calm our emotions, lowering the stress, getting a good nights sleep, boosting immune system, first aid box, tummy aches, aches and pains, bumps, grazes, stings, weightloss, detoxing, vitamins, hair products and I know that its all completely safe for the kids. They allow me to take control of our homes health and environment.

The WEBSITE is still a work in progress and is under construction. We will be offering a wide range of dōTERRA’s essential oils, accessories, diffusers, books, storage, custom made wooden holders, Lava Links Jewerly, Regal Beeswax wraps and other bits and pieces. Everything will be available to purchase from our website soon I promise, I’m adding new items daily!

Here’s a little back ground information about Little Miss Believer…..

After always having an interest in natural products and alternative solutions started to begin removing all the chemicals and harsh products from our household including cleaning, beauty and cooking products. I then went searching for natural products and ways to improve our lives without all the carcinogenesis this was back in 2014. In all my research and talking to friends essential oils kept being mentioned. After falling pregnant in 2015 and wanting a natural solution to relieve the side effects from pregnancy without possibly harming my unborn baby. I decided to look into Essential Oils further and the more I researched the more I discovered about the power behind therapeutic grade essential oils. After purchasing the home essentials kit from dōTERRA and began using the oils I was blown away by how much they helped me. I now incorporate dōTERRA’s essential oils into every part of my families lives from all our cleaning products to beauty and in our cooking. We haven’t looked back since……

If you have read this far, thank you your amazing! I really do appreciate everyone’s love and support on this wild ride!

Peace, Love & Oils……

Chels xx


DISCLAIMER: I am a Wellness Advocate and a user of dōTERRA essential oils. I am not a medical practitioner nor do I take the place of a medical practitioner. All the information I share on this page is from my own experiences, research and knowledge. I do not diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease nor do I claim too. You should discuss treatment for medical conditions with a medical practitioner and advise them of the oils you are planning to use. None of my posts have been approved or evaluated by the food and drug administration or other governmental regulatory agencies.